Sunday, 16 February 2025

Silica Gel Sorbent Tubes

Free Out of stock


Silica gel is the adsorbent material for sampling polar hydrocarbons, low molecular weight mercaptans, methanol, amines, and inorganic acids. Treated Silica gel tubes are also used, e.g. 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine for aldehyde sampling, sulphuric acid treated for ammonia.

To select a tube for a specific compound refer to the SKC Sampling Guides or use the SKC online Hazard Database

Sorbent(Coating) Size (mm)
Sections Sorbent
Ends Tube
Separators Pack
Part Number
Glass beads (2,4,6-trichlorophenol) Silica Gel

2 tubes
7 x 110

8 x 110

2 g



20 Sets 226-125 *
Silica Gel 8 x 110 2 520/260 GS B FWW 50 226-15
Silica Gel 8 x 110 2 520/260 GS B WWW 50 226-15GWS
Silica Gel 10 x 110 2 1040/260 GS C FWW 50 226-22
Silica Gel 6 x 70 2 100/50 GS A WWW 50 226-47-01
Silica Gel 7 x 110 2 150/150 GS B WWW 50 226-48
Silica Gel 6 x 70 2 100/50 GS A FWW 50 226-51
Silica Gel 6 x 70 2 150/75 GS A FWW 50 226-10
Silica Gel 8 x 110 2 300/150 GS B WWW 50 226-10-04
Silica Gel (Hydrochloric acid) 10 x 150 3 700/150
GS C WWWW 20 226-176
Silica Gel (Mercuric acid) 6 x 110 2 150/300 GS B WWW 20 226-165A
Silica Gel (o-phenylenediamine) 8 x 110 2 520/260 GS B WWW 50 226-191
Silica Gel (p-methoxyphenol) 8 x 150 2 1200/600 GS C WWW 10 226-70A
Silica Gel (silver nitrate)/glass fibre filter (sodium carbonate/glycerol) 16 to 8 x 85 2 200/200 GO - TTTWW 5 226-177
Silica Gel (sodium hydroxide) 7 x 70 2 150/75 GS B WWW 20 226-55 *
Silica Gel (specially cleaned) 7 x 110 2 400/200 GS B WWGW 50 226-10-03
Silica Gel (specially washed and baked)/Glass fibre filter
2 Tubes
7 x 110

7 x 110



20 Sets 226-183
Silica Gel (sulphuric acid) 6 x 70 2 200/100 GS A WWW 50 226-10-06 *
Silica Gel (sulphuric acid) 6 x 70 2 150/75 GS A WWW 50 226-53 *
Silica Gel (sulphuric acid) 8 x 110 2 200/200 GS B WWW 50 226-42 *
Silica Gel treated (methyl p-tolylsulphoxide (MTSO)) 7 x 110 1 800 GS B WW 20 226-193-UC
Silica Gel treated (methyl p-tolylsulphoxide (MTSO)) 8 x 110 2 800/200 GS B WGW 20 226-199-UC
Silica Gel with ultra-low background (2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) 6 x 110 2 300/150 GS B WWW 20
Silica Gel with ultra-low background (2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) 7 x 110 2 300/150 GS B WWW 20 226-119-7
Silica Gel with ultra-low background (2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) 10 x 110 2 800/200 GS C WWW 20 226-188
Silica Gel with ultra-low background (2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) with built-in ozone scrubber 8 x 115 3 150/300/1500 GS D WWWW 20 226-120
Silica Gel/Charcoal (sodium hydroxide) 10 x 210 3 750/1250/250 GS D WRWW 20 226-61A *
Silica Gel/Charcoal (sodium hydroxide) 10 x 210 3 750/1250/250 GS D WWRW 50 226-61 *
Silica Gel/Glass Fibre Filter (OVS) 13 to 8 x 75 2 520/260 GO V FFGT 10 226-99 *

Table Notes:

* Limited shelf-life; contact SKC for more information
‡ Tubes are chemically conditioned before shipping; use within 30 days or recondition. Restocking fee applies.
§ Each tube has a flow direction arrow and unique number.
Limited shelf-life; refrigerator/freezer storage may be required. Contact SKC for more information.
† Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C

Tube Ends:

GS: Glass Sealed
GO: Glass Open
SS: Stainless Steel Open

Protective Tube Covers:

A: 6 mm OD x 70 mm length
B: 8 mm OD x 110 mm length
C: 10 mm OD x 150 mm length
D: 10 mm OD x 220 mm length and shorter tubes
P: Low-volume PUF Tube Holder - Do not use an adjustable low flow holder
V: OVS Tube Holder - Do not use an adjustable low flow holder


W: Glass Wool
G: Glass Fibre Filter
F: Foam
N: Nylon Ring
Q: Quartz Filter
R: Glass Spacer
S: Screen
T: PTFE Ring

Sorbent Equivalencies:

Anasorb 708 is equivalent to Chromosorb 108.
Anasorb 727 is equivalent to Chromosorb 106.
Anasorb 747 is an SKC proprietary sorbent.
Anasorb C300 is equivalent to Hydrar, Carulite.
Anasorb CSC is an SKC proprietary sorbent.
Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbotrap B (20/40), Carbopack B (60/80).


Anasorb ® — SKC Inc
Chromosorb ® — Manville Corp.
Porapak ® — Waters Associates, Inc.
Tenax ® — Buchem B.V.
XAD ® — Rohm & Haas

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